Grayson family

Source Citations

George Bridgham

1 "
1820 census, Buckfield, Oxford, ME
George Bridgham 26-45 [32]
Wife 26-32 [Anna Nichols 32]
1 male 0-10 [Elbridge or Prescott]
1 male 10-16 [George]
4 females 0-10 [Everline 9, Lucretia, Anna, Arvilla Rosetta].".

2 "
1840 census, p. 9 Buckfield, Oxford, ME
George Bridgham Jr. 30-40
Wife 20-30 [Mertilla Cole]
1 male 5-10
1 male 20-30
2 females 0-5
Next door to Caleb Cushman & wife Everline, George's sister
1 in agriculture.".

Mertilla Cole

1 "
1840 census, p. 9 Buckfield, Oxford, ME
George Bridgham Jr. 30-40
Wife 20-30 [Mertilla Cole]
1 male 5-10
1 male 20-30
2 females 0-5
Next door to Caleb Cushman & wife Everline, George's sister
1 in agriculture.".