Grayson family


Len Janssen

Lived in Buckley, Illinois.

Fredrick Wendt

He was the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church 4 miles outside of Dayton
1913-1920; his first parish was in Seymour, Indiana.

Louis John William Hoyer

Born march 15, 1989, in Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Married Amanda September 18, 1919, at Dayton, Iowa.
After Amanda died, Louis married Mildred Agnes Medina Peterson, and had a son,
Marvin Eugene Hoyer, .
Louis died June 6, 1990, in Fort Dodge, of kidney failure, and is buried in Dayton.
I called Marvin; he lives at 1170 N. Sterling Ave, Apt. 118,
Palatine, Illinois 60067-1934, phone 847-991-7254.
Marvin has been collecting and digitizing pictures of his
relatives, including Amanda and her father.  
He married Lynne Vera McGagen, and they have two children,
Heather Alicia Hoyer, (born Aug 26, 1968, husband Anthony Grichnik,
son Andrew Michael Grichnik), and Sean Michael Hoyer (born Dec 21, 1971).
Marvin's email address is; I got email from
him June 3, 2000, and his new address is  545 East Thornhill Drive,
Apt. 104, Carol Stream, IL, 60188, phone 630-221-0148, fax: 630-690-0890.

% Marvin says Frederick the Wise issued an edict that drove the Lutherans
% to emigrate to the US.

1  FATH I202
1  MOTH I203
1  ID R021 P061
1  MILI Army 1918
1  NMAR 2
2  SPOU I207
2  SPOU I208
1  NCHI 3
2  CHIL I2
2  CHIL I209
2  CHIL I227

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Mar 15 1898